Partner with us
Adarna Group Foundation, Inc. welcomes partnerships with local government units, corporate institutions, various organizations, and individuals who share our vision and advocacy. By working together, we can increase our reach and deepen our impact in the communities we work with.
Local Government Units
For community leaders who are committed to advancing early reading within your locality, you can promote Step by Step to other local government units and support its five (5) programs through funding, ordinances, and/or manpower.
For corporate institutions keen on creating communities of early readers, you can bridge Adarna Group Foundation, Inc. to local government units, support the programs of Step by Step and registration for Eager Reader Webinars, and/or engage company employees in storytelling volunteer work.
For organizations that share our vision of developing Filipino children's habit of reading and love for books, you can help Adarna Group Foundation, Inc. connect with the local government units, support the programs of Step by Step, and/or volunteer as teachers, mentors, advocates, and storytellers.
For advocates and/or professionals in the field of early literacy, child and community development, education, or health and medicine, you can volunteer to teach parents, mentor child development and healthcare workers, raise awareness through fundraisers and social media, and tell stories.